Bridging the Human-Digital Divide: Daniel Ferri’s Method to Navigating Technological Change
Bridging the Human-Digital Divide
Change Manager vs Change Leader
Both are important, and vital to successful projects. But what is he difference is in their role, and responsibilities?
Top business professionals you should know about in 2024
I'm proud to be listed as a "Top Business Professional" for 2024.
The Market vs You.
Pricing is tricky at the best of times. The price is something the customer or client nearly always wants to know, and rarely forgets.
Asking the right questions.
Sometimes if you want the right answer, you need to ask the right question.
$5 turned it into $650 in just 2 hours
The first team tried to buy items and flip them on the street for profit.
Networking can be hard.
Like most things, the more you do it the better you will become, and the more confident you’ll grow.
the Essential Eight
Accord Consultancy has used the ASD8 to help organisations strengthen their cyber defences.